How to boost your immune system.

Why is immunity so important:-

COVID-19 was declared as global pandemic by WHO. And while the countries are grappling with imminent danger that this virus posses to humanity, there are number of measures that an individual can take to fight this pandemic.
It has become crucial to follow certain hygiene standards like, washing your hand frequently for not less then 20 second, especially if you have travelled using a public transport. Using an alcohol base sanitizer to disinfect your hand, wearing a mask and also avoiding touching your face and mouth area, maintaining social distancing when in public places.
Besides all those preventive measure it also become essential for an individual to have a strong immune system. As people with a strong immune system have very minimal chances to get affected by any bacteria or viruses. And it becomes essential for you to have a strong immune system in order to stay healthy and unaffected. Researches have found that people with weak immune system are more likely to get affected to the virus, and their chances of recovery can also decrease.
Today I'll be sharing few tips that can help you build a strong immune system, but before going further let us understand what is immune system.

What is immune system:-

Immune system is your bodies internal defence system. It protects body against any viruses or bacteria. Immune system works to differentiate between your body cells and alien cells that could potentially be harmful. It learns from your past and create a strong defence system against the cell that could affect your health. You now know the function of immune system but you must also remember that as you grow old your immune system tend to get weak and in order to stay fit you must look after it and it will look after you.

How to boost your immune system naturally:-

Getting plenty of sleep -

In a research it was found that when you get enough amount of sleep your body produces higher level of “T cells" then those who don't get enough sleep.
Your body is just like a computer. As computer need to be rebooted when it get warm similarly your body requires minimum of 8 hour of healthy sleep to function properly. In my previous blog i have shared how to sleep healthy.
Remember to boost your immune system by catching some Z's.

Eating a nutritious diet -

“Eighty percent of your immune system is the gut" so when it's healthy, we tend to be able to fight off infection faster and better. According to nutritionist incorporating more vegetables and fruits in your regular diet help your body stay fit and also develop a strong immune system.
It's also important to limit meat, especially processed and fried food, all of which are more inflammatory. It is smart to incorporate more of nuts, yogurt,  Sauerkrauta and kefir in your daily diet to be healthy, and these also help you to develop body muscles.

Exercising daily -

You don't need a Gym membership to be physically active and fit you can also exercise at home specially during this pandemic. According to a study published in British journal of sports medicine, of 1,002 people surveyed, those who exercised for at least five days a week had almost half the risk of coming down with cold as those who were more sedentary.
A physical workout for 30 to 60 minutes for atleast five days every week can help you boost your immune system.

Avoid taking stress -

There is a strong link between your immune health and mental health. “ when you are under chronic stress or anxiety your body produces more stress hormones that surpasses your immune system. Although you can't avoid stress in your life, you can adopt strategies to help you manage it better.

Be strategic about supplements -

There is no magic potion available in science that can automatically prevent any kind of disease or flu. But you can incorporate certain supplements such as B 12, vitamin C, vitamin D, and glutathione which have been proven to help strengthen the immune system.

6- immunity boosting food a nutritionist recommends -

One of the best way to improve your immune system is to incorporate food that can help you boost your body cells and lead's to better immunity.

Turmeric -

According to ancient ayurveda turmeric is the most common herb that is used in all medicine, because of a natural compound present in turmeric name curcumin which is responsible for its vibrant colour in turmeric and is a potent anti inflammatory compound. It help to boost immune cell activity and enhance anti body responses.

Walnuts -

Walnuts is not only top in anti - inflammatory compound but is also rich in vitamin E and B 6, copper and folate which play a role in supporting the immune system. In a research it was found that walnuts reduces psychological stress.

Garlic -

Researches lend credibility to garlics immune supporting capabilities. In a study, healthy adults between 21 and 50 received either a placebo or garlic extract for 90 days. While there was no difference in number of illness between group. Those who received garlic had reduced cold and flu severity and fewer symptoms. You can incorporate in daily diet by adding it to cooked veggies, soup or broth.

Sweet potato and carrots -

These vegetable tend to have a top source of beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. The nutrients boost the immune system by helping to produce white blood cell which fight against any foreign viruses or bacteria. A baked potato packs over 150% of the daily vitamin A goal, and a cup of raw carrots over 100% of recommendation intake.

Green vegetables -

Green vegetables not only provide anti - inflammatory antioxidant but also other key nutrients like vitamin A and C, and folate. They also provide bioactive compound that release a chemical signal that optimises immunity in the gut. You can incorporate this as saute vegetables along with other ingredients like turmeric and garlic.

Citrus fruits and red bell pepper -

Vitamin C the main nutrient of any Citrus is famous for its role in supporting the immune system. Researchers have found that daily consumption of 200mg of citrus help in preventing against any infection. A medium raw red bell pepper packs 150 mg, and one medium orange provide 70 mg. You can eat citrus as is or paired with nuts.

I hope now you know the importance of immune system and how you can improve your immune to fight against foreign bacteria or viruses. If you found this blog useful subscribe to our blog via email and we will mail you everytime we post something new.


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  1. Yes, immunity is important. and testosterone is also important


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