Yoga can change your life

Yoga-(living life healthy, physically and spiritually)

Yoga, an ancient practice and meditation that was derived from India and had influenced almost all parts of the world and has become increasingly popular in today's busy society.

For many people yoga is to connect spiritually and get enlightened and for some it can be a practice that just keeps their body physically active and healthy but one can't deny the fact that whenever you practice yoga your body and mind feel free from all stress and you have feeling of connection with your mind and body. People who practice yoga in daily basis have a full control on their mind and thoughts.

And to promote the practice of yoga people follow June 21 as International Yoga day. While it is an important source of exercise and healthy living,millions of people join in and practice  on daily basis. For many people, this routine is a way to connect the body, mind and soul in a way that has existed for centuries.

Let us celebrate the day and connect to our soul and bring peace in our mind and relief our body from stress. But before we start let's understand the benefits of yoga

Benefits of practicing Yoga:-

Health benefits within the body -

Yoga can not only improve your physical health but can also help you from lowering blood pressure and increasing pain tolerance. Here are some of the benefit that can be discussed with the body-
  •  Blood pressure
  •  Immunity
  •  Metabolism
  •  Pulse rate
  •  Circulation
  • Cardoivascular endurance

Emotional health benefits -

A consistent yoga practice help you to control your mind thoughts. There are many emotional benefit to be gained from yoga practice. Some of them are
  •  Improve your mood
  •  Self control
  •  Stress reduction
  •  Concentration
  •  Memory

Physical health benefit -

The list of physical benifit can be unending as yoga practice can help you to get  good body posture to more strength and energy. Let us understand it with a list.
  • Better sleep
  • Increase core strength
  • Improve your overall body posture
  • Can help to energize you
  • Balance and control over body

Help you to prevent disease -

Doctors love yoga because studies indicate that it can help you to prevent following disease.
  • Heart attack.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Alzheimer's.
  • Type II diabetes.

Improve your body chemistry -

From lowering your cholesterol level to increasing your red blood cell yoga can help you with them. Here's the list of few of the benifits.
  • Increase vitamin C in your body 
  • Increase in level of red blood cell
  • Lowers blood glucose level
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Reduces the sodium level in body

Question on yoga:-

How can I begin to practice yoga?

There is no wrong way to begin. You can search up for yoga studios or local gyms who offer yoga lessons, or you can practice at home with video tutorials and some relaxing music.

What does Om mean?

Om is said to be an interpretation of the sound of the universe. It is a way to seal in the lessons of the yoga class. Chanting Om with concentration reduces adrenaline levels which help in reducing stress, but it’s not mandatory.

What kind of equipment do I need to practice yoga?

The most important equipment are flexible athletic clothing and a yoga mat. And that's all you need to live a healthy life, connecting to your mind and your body spiritually.

10 easy Yoga asanas that every beginner should know:-

Virasana (Hero pose):

The practice of virasana increases metabolism in the body and enhances blood circulation. Practicing this posture makes body more flexible and eases all part of your body.

Kumbhasana (plank pose):

This simple pose is very effective in toning a number of body parts. This includes the hips, waist, abdomen, arms and shoulders. Practice this yoga pose every day if you want to develop toned abs.

Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose):

This is similar to plank pose but for this you will have to raise your body by resting on one hand which will lie flat till the elbow. Lift and put another hand on your waist in a smart posture. This is helpful in toning the extra fat handles which make your waist look bad and are stubborn.

Vrikshasana Yoga (Tree Pose):

This yoga posture helps to increase focus and concentration. For this you need to stand on one foot while the other is locked behind the knees and your hands are raised above your head in a prayer pose. 

Shavasana (Corpse Pose):

This is one of the best yoga postures that will help you de-stress from all the tension you hold, so that we can have a good tight sleep.

Balasana (Child’s Pose):

It is an excellent yoga exercise for those suffering from back pain as it stretches and relaxes the spine. It also stretches and strengthens the muscle of hips, thighs and ankles.

Marjariasana (Cat Pose):

This cat pose is an excellent stretch in a yoga workout. It produces flexibility in our spine and releases us from back pain. It improves our blood circulation and digestion power.

Full Body Yoga Tadasana (The Mountain Pose):

Practising this yoga asana regularly every morning gives a good massage to our hands, back, spine and the whole body. This is the most recommended asana for increasing height as well.

Trikonasana (The Triangle Pose):

This is a good yoga exercise for pregnant women. It helps in reducing blood pressure, stress and anxiety and also improves the functions of the blood through the entire body. This asana also removes fats from the waist and thighs.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

This pose improves the function of the liver, kidney, pancreas and gallbladder. It cures insomnia (sleeping disorder), spine problems, indigestion and constipation naturally. 

Matsyendrasan (Half Twist Pose):

Ardha matsyendrasana increases oxygen supply to the lungs and increases the flexibility & the functions of vertebrae of the spine. It also stretches the back muscles and spine and releases stiffness of hip joints. It is one of the perfect Yoga Pose which is also helpful in the treatment of diabetes, constipation, spinal problems, cervical spondylitis, and urinary tract disorder.

I hope i was able to inform you about the benefits that yoga can do to you. Let us all start practicing yoga from today. And if you like my information follow us and subscribe to our blog via email and we will mail you everytime we post something new.


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