7 Health Benefits Of Drinking Milk

Be it a simple glass of warm milk, a protein shake, or a low fat yogurt, milk is and will continue to remain one of the healthiest food sources available. In fact milk plays a vital role in the diets of millions of Americans.

Some are afraid to drink milk because they have fear of adding fat to their diet. But, in reality, milk is packed with nutrients that can boost your nutrition and overall health. Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and essential nutrients.

Benefits of milk can be unending and few of them can be enough to make you believe how important it is to drink milk every day. The health benefits of milk include improved bone strength, smoother skin, and a stronger immune system. 

Milk can also help you prevent from hypertension, dental decay, dehydration, respiratory problems, obesity, osteoporosis and even some forms of cancer. So, it’s time for you to find out the health benefits of milk that you might consider drinking more of this good stuff each day!

Builds Stronger Bones

Calcium protects the body from major chronic ailments such as bone loss, arthritic conditions, migraine headaches, pre-menstrual syndrome, and obesity in children.  And milk, is one of the best sources of calcium along with Vitamin D, magnesium, and protein which are essential for bone health. 100 g of milk has about 120-124 mg of calcium and 11-14 mg of magnesium, which are 40% and 10% of the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance)respectively. It is the quickest, least expensive, and most readily available source of calcium on the market.

Promotes Heart Health

Although calcium is more focused on bones but it has also been shown to reduce cardiovascular diseases and the chances of strokes. In a study it was found that having 200-300 mL of milk a day can cut down heart disease risk by 7%. Having low-fat milk can not only lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) but also increase good cholesterol (HDL) in the body which help blood vessels from clogging. Milk is also a good source of magnesium and potassium  which
 act as vasodilators, that reduces blood pressure, increases blood flow to vital organs, and reduces the stress on the heart and cardiovascular system.

Nutritional Value of Milk

Drinking milk is a great way to meet needs for nine essential nutrients, including: phosphorus, vitamin B12, calcium, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin D, and protein,” says Melissa Majumdar, MS, RD, CSOWM, LDN, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Drinking milk considerably improves our intake of vital minerals and vitamins.

It helps maintain muscle mass

Milk contains protein, which is essential for rebuilding muscles. A study published in the European Journal of Sport Science found that milk contributes to post-exercise muscle synthesis and re-hydration, as well as aiding in post-exercise soreness. Many athletes drink milk following a workout, as it provides the body essential nutrients needed to recover. Milk helps build strong muscles with the ideal ratio of carbohydrates to protein, making it a great drink choice for active individuals after a workout. Consider drinking a glass after you exercise to help your body recover.

Cleanses Your Skin

Milk contains retinol, a known anti-aging and skin-restoring antioxidant. Plus, milk is rich in vitamin D which is also considered as an anti-aging vitamin  because of its anti-inflammatory effects on skin and protection from UV rays. We’re not saying you need to fill a tub with milk and relax, but drinking at least two glasses per day will provide you with these benefit.

  • Skin Toner
  • Moisturizer
  • Skin Cleanser
  • Anti-Tanning Agent
  • Fairness Agent
  • Anti-Acne Agent
  • Anti-Ageing Agent
  • Adds Glow
  • Adds Radiance
  • Natural Sunscreen
  • Treats Dry Skin

Weight Loss

Various studies have shown that women who drink low-fat milk can lose more weight than women that remove the milk completely from their daily diet. So if you are cutting out milk due to calories, it’s not the smartest diet strategy. In a 2017 review of 13 clinical trials on dairy consumption in the journal Clinical Nutrition found that having 500mL per day of dairy was associated with decreased appetite and desire to eat, while increasing satiety. You can drink a glass with your dinner or drink one while eating some fruit. 

Acidity Reduction

There are many foods that contain acids that cause people to experience acidity. One of the simplest and yummiest ways to relief from this pain is drinking a glass of milk. A report published in the Annals of Internal medicine states that consumption of milk products can also help in reducing acidity throughout the body. Due to its cooling sensation and the thick consistency, milk helps to coat the esophagus and stomach lining to prevent from burn.

Wow! You get so many benefits with just a glass of milk. Why not drink a glass of milk with some cookies, to hydrate your body. If you are new to our blog and like our Information please subscribe us and follow us and you will be notified everytime when we post something new.


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