Sugar is so interlaced with everything we eat and drink, it's hard to imagine a world without it. When one consume lot of sugar in their diet, they are more likely to go under a process called glycation that can result in a significant amount of aging in the skin.

Researches believe that sugar can also weakens your immune system, and a weak immune system promote number of disease. Sugar affects everyone differently, but sometimes the best solution is to cut it out of your diet as much as possible.

Enjoying sugar and treats in moderation can certainly be part of a healthy diet, but an excess consumption of added sugars can be an invitation to many common health issues. Sugar intake is directly linked to disease in the body and when you think about it Diabetes, Asthma and Obesity are just some of them.

Do you want to quit sugar, but you are still not convinced. Don't worry. Here are the 7 reasons that are enough to convence you to cut down your sugar intake.

Sugar Promotes Weight Gain

Weight gain and obesity have always been synonymous with consuming fat, but that's not always the case. Every time you eat sugar or refined  carbohydrates you trigger the release of insulin in the bloodstream. This insulin is responsible for converting sugar (you consumed) into stored energy to be used at a later time in the form of body fat. this results in weight gain. Dietician recommend including more of green vegetables, healthy animal protein and nuts to your daily diet.

Sugar Is Addictive

Sugar may be more addicting than cocaine. In a study lab rodents were given cocaine till they they become addictive to it. Further they were given a choice to  switch to sugar And surprisingly majority of the rodents tested switched to sugar.  According to British Journal of Sports Medicine the addiction to sugar is equivalent to that of cocaine on our brains.There are number of studies that proves sugar can be addictive. Evidence shows that sugar triggers the same pleasure center of the brain as other abusive substances do.

Sugar Impacts Mental Health

An average adult consumes more than the required sugar needed by the brain to function optimally. This excess amount of sugar in our immune systems impair several brain functions. Research indicates that higher-than-usual levels of sugar intake reduce the production of a brain chemical called BNDF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). Without BNDF, our brains can't form new memories and have a hard time learning.

Sugar Impacts Skin, Acne and Eczema

Sugar does not cause acne directly, its oxidative properties can provoke breakouts and inflammation that go throughout your entire body. A disrupted microbiome or poor gut health caused by sugar intake can also have very negative impacts on the skin. AGEs  (Advanced glycation end products) are incredibly destructive to your body’s natural proteins and these are caused when you consume excess amount of sugar which push your body through a process called glycation. AGE (Advanced glycation end products) have been shown to break down elastin and degrade collagen in the skin causing wrinkles and premature aging, making it one of the top reason to quit sugar.

Sugar Leads to Cardiovascular Disease

An excess amount of sugar consumption is linked to increase in the amount of fat around your waste line, which leads to an imbalance in your body’s hormonal and metabolic systems. However the expect mechanism for how sugar affect your body, is not completely understood, but it appears to have several indirect connections  including  high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, all of which have been linked to heart disease.

Sugar Lead's To Diabetes

Diabetes is probably the most well-known disease linked to excessive sugar intake. According to the American Diabetes Association, sugar, in its pure form, does not directly cause diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is considered a “lifestyle disease” meaning that it is heavily influenced by diet and lifestyle factors, sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption being the largest contributing factor.

Sugar Impairs Gut Health

Our gut is a complex system that absorbs nutrients, makes minerals, houses bacteria, protects from infection, and relays messages to our brain. Our gut also protect our body from diseases. However, a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can throw off the bacteria balance in the gut. Because the gut is linked to so many other areas of the body, it can impact skin issues, behavioural issues, allergies, hormonal imbalance, and join inflammation, so managing our gut microbiome is vital to overall health and longevity and it can be simply don't by cutting off the consumption of excess sugar.

There are endless reasons to quit sugar, as facts don’t lie, sugar is not good for our health. But A key to healthy life is all about balance. Cutting out an entire item from your diet is not very balanced. Quitting sugar is not about never eating it again, it’s just about doing it in a controlled way. If you are new to our blog and like our Information please subscribe us and follow us and you will be notified everytime when we post something new.


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