Amazing benefits of good body posture.

What is good posture anyway and why is it so important? Basically posture refers to the body’s alignment and positioning with respect to the ever-present force of gravity. 

As i have explained how you can get a perfect body posture in my previous blog “ How to get a perfect body posture" in which i have given a detailed exercises which can help you to get an amazing shape just by practicing some daily exercise.

Here in this blog i will share you few benifits so you can start your journey for getting a perfect body posture  . Here's how sitting up straight can affect your mental and physical well-being.


Portrays a better, more confident image -

In the world where everyone is looking for a confident person who have enough courage to handle situation easily, if you don't look enough confident you may not have a chance against others. And the solution is your physical appearance which can help you look confident.
Studies show links between height (which comes in part from good posture) and success. Voters view tall people as better suited for leadership, tall people in business are likely to earn more money and most people seem to see tall men as more persuasive, impressive and capable than average

Improves circulation and digestion -

An improper, slouched posture has been postulated as a contributing factor to several digestive problems from acid reflux to constipation and even hernias.
And When your shoulders slump and your back rounds, it can create compression in your midsection, making it more challenging for your digestive system to work.

Breathing becomes easier and deeper -

Did you know that poor postures such as rounded back posture can reduce lung capacity by as much as 30%?
When you hunch forward with bad posture, it prevents your diaphragm and ribs from completing the motion needed to fully expand your lungs,” As a result, you might find yourself breathing more shallowly — and feeling more fatigued — when slumped over. So  “Make sure your shoulders are pulled back and in line with your ears,” for better and deeper breathing.

Improve athletic performance -

Kristen Gasnick, a board-certified physical therapist practicing in outpatient orthopedics in New Jersey.  Says that “Good posture allows your muscles to be maximized when working out,” 
Your body needs to move correctly to perform correctly. If you feel pain while exercising or playing sport, it’s your body telling you something is wrong. Athletes need to ensure their motion system is functioning at optimal levels.

Reduces back pain -

Not maintaining good posture and adequate back support can add strain to muscles and put stress on the spine. Over time, the stress of poor posture can change the anatomical characteristics of the spine, leading to the possibility of constricted blood vessels and nerves.
 Good posture keeps your spine in line and prevents many of these problems from developing.

Makes you look slimmer and younger -

Having good posture helps you feel good. when your body is properly aligned your body functions properly. A strong structural alignment with your head directly over your shoulders (not in front as this is forward head posture), your shoulders directly over your hips and hips over ankles is the best alignment for health and wellness.
When having a good posture you will instantly take off 3-5 lbs in your appearance.

Change your frame of mind -

when you are well, feeling happy and on top of things, posture tends to be upright and open. In contrast, people who are depressed and in chronic pain, often sit or stand slumped. By carrying yourself in an upright manner, you feel more confident, energised and happier.

Now that you know the benifits of a healthy body posture why not apply it and see results by yourself. You can visit my previous blog “How to get a perfect body posture" and find out exercises, which you can practice daily for just 30-40 minutes and get a perfect body posture. And if you like my information follow us and subscribe to our blog via email and we will mail you everytime we post something new.


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