How to get a perfect body posture ?

We often hear that good posture is essential for good health.We recognise poor posture when we see it formed as a result of bad habits carried out over years and evident in many adults. But only few people have a real grasp of the importance and necessity of good posture.

finding out how to fix your posture is an important process. Without routinely performing exercises to improve posture, most people start experiencing the negative effects of poor posture habits at an early age.

Do you know the way we stand, sit and walk affects our health and well being?
It’s true.
Levels of health and well being are intricately linked to the health and well being of our spine and nervous system. it has health benefits, preventing back, neck, hip, and knee pain and giving your diaphragm and rib cage more room to expand when you breathe. But good posture can be elusive. 

In this blog i will be sharing 8 exercise for a good body posture. If you know someone who doesn’t have the best posture, do them a favour. Share this page with them – it may make all the difference.

But before that let us understand what is posture?


What is posture?

Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. as we know when we are standing, sitting or lying down gravity exerts a force on our joints, ligaments and muscles.  Good posture helps to  distributing the force of gravity through our body so no structure is overstressed.
A person with a bad bend body posture may  affects their ability to digest food. They may also have difficulty breathing and experience various aches and pains. These poor habits create bigger physical problems as the body ages. Hence, it’s important to learn how to have better posture at an early stage.

8 Yoga exercises to Get Perfect Posture:-

Kumbhakasana/ (Dolphin Plank Posture)-

Practice the plank by lying face down on the floor with palms alongside shoulders and feet and legs together. Raise yourself so your arms are straight and you’re balancing equally on your hands and toes.
Make sure to keep your spine straight, as this whole process is to improve your body posture.Try holding the pose for 30 seconds. As your strength grows, extend the time to between one and three minutes.

Bhujangasana/ (Cobra Posture)-

It stretches the spine, opens the chest and the shoulders, strengthens the diaphragm. Hold the posture for 30 seconds with normal breathing.
It can also  cures insomnia (sleeping disorder), spine problems, indigestion and constipation naturally. 

Balasana (Child’s Pose)-

It is an excellent yoga exercise for those suffering from back pain as it stretches and relaxes the spine. It also stretches and strengthens the muscle of hips, thighs and ankles. It is also used to relax the body and calms the mind. It counteracts the backward bending postures, and will stretch the spine releasing any pressure on the disc.

Marjariasana (Cat Pose)-

This cat pose is an excellent stretch in a yoga workout. It produces flexibility in our spine and releases us from back pain. It improves our blood circulation and digestion power. Try this pose every day atleast for 30 second and increase the timing slowly.

Full Body Yoga Tadasana (The Mountain Pose)-

Practising this yoga asana regularly every morning gives a good massage to our hands, back, spine and the whole body. This is the most recommended asana for increasing height as well.

Matsyendrasan (Half Twist Pose)-

Ardha matsyendrasana increases oxygen supply to the lungs and increases the flexibility & the functions of vertebrae of the spine. It also stretches the back muscles and spine and releases stiffness of hip joints. It is one of the perfect Yoga Pose which is also helpful in the treatment of diabetes, constipation, spinal problems, cervical spondylitis, and urinary tract disorder.

Salabhasana (Bound Locust Pose)-

This is another great pose for strengthening the back. Open your chest lifting your arms and legs off the mat while keeping the pelvis on the mat. If necessary, you can lift just your chest and aim your arms towards your feet. 

Virasana (Hero pose)-

The practice of virasana increases metabolism in the body and enhances blood circulation. Practicing this posture makes body more flexible and eases all part of your body. If you can’t sit on your heels, get an ergonomic chair that mimics this pose or use a pillow for cushion.

I think if you practice all this poses you surely will get a good body posture. And if you know someone who doesn't have best Posture make sure you share this information with them. And if you like my information follow us and subscribe to our blog via email and we will mail you everytime we post something new.


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