The Importance of Eating a Healthy Breakfast:-

A healthy breakfast is essential for starting the day off right. Breakfast, literally means break the fast. Since our body doesn't consume anything after dinner till we wake up the next morning, it is famished. 

It is important you don't miss it, regardless of how busy you are. However, many people rush through their morning routines and avoid preparing breakfast. A healthful breakfast is one that contains nutritious foods that provide energy and make a person feel full.

 If you’re not a regular breakfast eater, you may want to give it a try. Numerous studies have shown the positive effects of regularly having a healthy breakfast. In this article I'll show you why a healthy breakfast is essential for you and why you should not skip it.

8 Benefits of Having a Healthy Breakfast Every Day:-

Improve your performance -

According to an article published by American Dietetic Association claims that kids who are breakfast eaters have better concentration. This is because when you eat breakfast, it gives your body essential nutrients to perform and You can also see the cognitive benefits of speed, concentration, and problem-solving skills. You could do better in your academic career if you eat breakfast in the morning. 

You’ll have more energy -

Energy is essential for your brain and body to work properly. And if  you start your day hungry, you get tired fast. Since your blood glucose levels haven't been restored to the normal levels, you are low on energy. 
Consuming food rich in vitamin C, like berries and oranges, helps your brain signals function so that you’re more alert. And also help you to improve your memory patterns. According to American Deictic Association you should incorporate more of  lean proteins (eggs, turkey sausage, grilled chicken), fruits, whole grains, and some vegetables that will provide you with the most energy and dietary benefits.

You’ll lose excess weight -

Research suggests that consistently eating healthy breakfast may help with losing weight and maintaining weight loss. Breakfast also provides you with essential nutrients that can be stored into energy so you can feel productive for the rest of the day and you feel less hungry later in the day, and are therefore less likely to grab a junky snack.
If you are wondering why you are not able to loose weight it is because your body metabolism is going down instead of increasing. Staying hungry doesn't make you lose. Eating healthy makes it possible.

You’ll get important vitamins and minerals -

A simple, quick, healthy breakfast will provide you with the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function ideally. And if you keep skipping your  breakfast you may end up loosing all your daily requirement of important vitamins and minerals for your entire day. Besides loosing all the mineral and vitamin you might end up with stress and a low mood.

Feel happier -

Having a breakfast that is high in carbohydrates like oatmeal can drastically improve your mood in the morning. Eating breakfast can decrease your morning anger level due to hunger. Because when you’re not focusing on feeling hungry, your mood is likely to improve.
When you supply your body with the energy it needs, you feel more satisfied and happy throughout the day and can also help you improve your overall health, well-being, and even help you do better in school or work. Any lifestyle change, developing the habit of consistently eating healthy breakfasts takes time. 

Benefit your skin -

You might be wondering how breakfast can affect your skin, but it's true. According to  American Dietician Association consuming eggs, lean proteins (like turkey), and fruits are essential to a nutritious breakfast.  As these contain the essential nutrient, lutein, which helps maintain healthy skin. If you feel too busy in the morning, prepare a bowl of fruit or a hard-boiled egg the night before.

It will help you boost your metabolism rate -

After sleeping all night, your metabolism has slowed down, which means you're not burning many calories. Skipping breakfast means you're starting your day at a slower pace, physically. Feeding your body in the morning can jump-start your metabolism, which helps you burn calories more efficiently during the day.

It keeps many diseases at bay -

Having a breakfast in the morning is the easiest way to keep diseases away from you. As a healthy breakfast will not only keep the cholesterol levels down but will help to keep your heart healthy, will trim down the chances of getting diabetes and not to forget it will help you have a healthy mind as well. People who eat regular breakfast are less likely to fall ill as they increase their immunity level to a good extent.

I hope now you are aware how important it is to have a healthy breakfast in the morning. If you are a busy person and don't have much time in morning to prepare a healthy breakfast I recommend you to follow us as I will be posting on healthy breakfast recipes that take no time to be ready to eat. If you are new to our blog and like our information please follow us and subscribe to our blog via email and we will mail you everytime we post something new.


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