9 Amazing Health Benefits of Kiwi

9 Amazing Health Benefits of Kiwi

Kiwis are small fruits that pack a lot of flavor and plenty of health benefits. Kiwi fruit is also known as Chinese Gooseberry. They belongs to the Actinidia genus, which includes about 60 species. Globally, the most consumed. [1]

Now kiwis also comes in 50 different varieties with flesh ranging from custard-like gold to bright pink, each with a varying flavor profile and use. 

Kiwis are packed with essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamin c, vitamin k, vitamin e, and dietary fiber, all of which are basic nutrients that one requires to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Kiwi is not just packed with nutrients for show, they might help you in digestion, managing blood pressure, boosting the body immune system, aiding blood sugar control, creating acid balance in the body, and promoting healthy kidney function.

Additionally they are also great for relieving constipation, promoting restful sleep, improving skin health, help to prevent cancer and improve respiratory function.

They can be simply enjoyed on top of yoghurt, in a fruit cake, smoothie, juice or have them as it is. 

Here are 9 amazing benefits of kiwi

Kiwi Nutrition Facts

The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for one green kiwi (69g).

  • Calories: 42
  • 0.4 gram of fat
  • 2mg of sodium
  • 10.1 gram of carbohydrates
  • 2.1 gram of fiber
  • 6.2 gram of sugar
  • 0.8 gram of protein

1. Kiwis Can Improve Digestion and Prevent Constipation

Kiwis are not only rich in nutrients but they also contain dietary fiber, polyphenols and an enzyme called actinidin, that greatly enhance the digestion of most proteins. [2] [3]

A study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that regular consumption of kiwi fruit resulted in bulkier and softer stools, as well as more frequent bowel movements in healthy elderly people. [4]

Several other studies have also found that kiwis are effective in improving Irritable Bowel Syndrome in those suffering with this digestion condition.  [5] [6]

2. Kiwis can help treat asthma

Kiwis are also thought to improve respiratory disease like asthma, as they are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that may help treat people with asthma. 

According to a study in children, it was found that childrens who took in kiwis experienced less wheezing and more comfortable breathing. Kiwis may help help improve lung health and breathing. [7]

A study from 2000 found that there was a beneficial effect on the lung function among those who consumed fresh fruit regularly, including kiwis. [8]

Another study have found a link between eating four fresh golden kiwis per day and reduced respiratory tract infection symptoms. [9]

3. Kiwis can help manage blood pressure

Kiwis are packed with potassium. A mineral that can help in lowering levels of blood pressure. Studies have found that potassium is linked to  improve heart functioning, reduce blood pressure and help prevent cardiovascular disease. [10]

A study on a group of people found that, participants who ate 3 kiwis a day for 8 weeks had a reduction in their diastolic and systolic blood pressure. 

Another study have found that  the bioactive substances in three kiwis a day can  lower blood pressure  more than one apple a day. [11]

Additionally potassium helps keep our electrolytes in balance by counteracting the effects of sodium.

4. Kiwis may help boost immune system

Kiwis are naturally packed with vitamin-C, In fact, just 1 cup of kiwi provides about  273 percent  of your daily recommended value. [12]

According to literature in Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, kiwis help in regulation of the innate and adaptive immune system. That may helps in fighting seasonal infections due to its antimicrobial and antifungal action. [13]

Additionally kiwis are also rich in anti-oxidants, that protects the body from endogenous oxidative damage and supports immune function, and may also reduces the occurrence and severity of cold or flu-like illness in adults and children.

5. Kiwis may help reducing blood clotting

Kiwis may not only help regulate blood pressure but may also reduces blood clotting. 

Usually aspirin is recommended by doctors to prevent those from cardiovascular events. However, Aspirin can cause inflammation and ulcers in the GI tract.

However studies have found that eating two to three kiwis a day can significantly lower the risk of blood clotting. While reducing the amount of fat in the blood. [14]

6. Kiwis may help improve eye health

Kiwis are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals that are known to improve eye health and protect against eye disease such as macular degeneration. [15]

Reserches suggest that regular consumption of kiwis may help protect our eyes from developing AMD (Age-related macular degenerations ).

In fact, studies have found that zeaxanthin and lutein (pigment in kiwis)  may help reduced macular degeneration by 36 percent. [16]

7. Kiwis Can Aid Weight Loss

Kiwis are packed with fiber that are know to keep full for longer period of time, while helping you melt some extra weight. 

In fact studies that found that, fiber can help reduce hunger and the high water weight in kiwi fruits, which have also been shown in research to be a key quality in foods that help fight hunger . [17] [18]

Additionally a 100 gram serving of kiwis containing only 61 calories, that makes them perfect food for weight loss. 

8. Other health benefits of kiwi fruit.

Here are additional 10 benefits of eating kiwi 

  • Kiwi help promote healthy sleep
  • Improves Iron Absorption
  • Beneficial in Pregnancy
  • Kiwi help improve skin health
  • May help fight cancer
  • Kiwi may improve heart health
  • Help manage diabetes
  • Kiwi promote gut health
  • Treats Cystic Fibrosis
  • Kiwis may help treat wounds

9. Easy to add in diet

Kiwis are delicious and are best eaten raw by hand or sliced into a fruit salad. Their vibrant color brightens plates for an attractive garnish or topping. 

Kiwis can also be blended into smoothies, cooked into sauces, or top them on mousses. Additionally they can also be used in marinades. 

Here's a simple recipe you can try right now.

Kiwi Strawberry Smoothie

9 Amazing Health Benefits of Kiwi

Nutrition Facts

Per Serving: 204 calories | protein 4.3g 9% DV  | carbohydrates 48.1g 16% DV | fat 0.5g 1% DV | cholesterol 1.5mg 1% DV | sodium 33.7mg 1% DV |


  • 1 banana
  • 6 strawberries
  • 1 kiwi
  • ½ cup vanilla frozen yogurt
  • ¾ cup pineapple and orange juice blend


Simply throw all fresh ingredients in a blender and pulse them until you have a desirable texture, pour in your favourite glass, top them with your favourite garnish, and you are ready to enjoy!

Cheers! 🥂

The Bottom Line

Kiwis are not only delicious but nutritious to, they are packed with healthy vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, C, K, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Additionally they are also loaded with omega 3 fatty acids. Kiwis are also known to improve immune system, regulate blood pressure, promote eye health and many more.

Simply adding 1 or 2 kiwis in your diet will surely help you avail all these amazing benefits of kiwis. Add them through a daily smoothie or small snack and watch how it affects you in a positive way. 

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