Foods for a Healthy Heart That Will Help You Live Longer

Heart diseases are becoming an increasing health concern these days due to various reasons like work and personal life related-stress, unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercises. Our intake of junk food and other unhealthy items has increased dramatically, and avoiding such food is the first step in the right direction. 

Studies have shown that up to 70% of heart disease cases are preventable with the right food choices. A healthy diet can prevent heart disease. 

Only exercising isn't sufficient to maintain a healthy heart. One needs to eat the right foods for it too! Keeping the heart healthy is key to living a long life and having low chances of many serious ailments.

Choosing the right foods and eating them regularly can help keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check. This, combined with regular exercise, will naturally help reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. Here's a list of foods that are good for your heart.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are rich in nutrients as they include all the parts of the grain – the endosperm, the bran and the germ. They are not only rich in vitamin E, iron, magnesium and a host of anti-oxidants but they are also high in fibre, which is good for reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL) and also reduce the risk of developing heart diseases. Regular consumption of of whole grains reduces blood pressure too. You must avoid processed, refined grains, which are steeped in glutens that have been associated with heart ailments including clogged arteries. 


Oats are one of the most healthiest options available for breakfast. This  mainstay breakfast is packed with nutrients and antioxidants. Oats contain beta glucan, which is a soluble fibre that helps bring down cholesterol levels especially LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body. Oats can not only help improve blood sugar control and lower cholesterol but also oats promote weight loss. Avoid eating instant and flavored oats as they  are often drenched in processed sugar.

Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetable like spinach, radish leaves,  fenugreek, pak choy, lettuce, etc. are healthy and are known to reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancer as well. These green vegetables are low in cholesterol, high in fiber, and are rich in antioxidants. They also have a high content of dietary nitrates which reduce blood pressure, lower stiffness in the arteries and line the blood vessels resulting in improved function.

Dark Chocolate

If you are a chocolate lover, dark chocolate is the best kind that you should consume. But pick one that contains at least 70% cocoa, which has been linked to lower blood pressure. Antioxidants found in dark chocolate – particularly procyanindins – help reduce the amount of cholesterol your body absorbs. It is also rich in many other minerals like iron, fibre, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, selenium, zinc and potassium which are good for your health heart.


Walnuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, Vitamin E, and folate, all of which promote healthy heart. It's also rich in polyunsaturated fats  which help your heart by lowering bad cholesterol levels as well as keeping your blood sugar in check. They are also good for reducing inflammation. We recommend eating them unsalted. which aid in lowering bad cholesterol. 


Just a handful of almonds can get you one step closer to a healthy heart. Like walnuts, these crunchy, meaty nuts are rich in omega-3s, which provide an alternative to folks who may not like the bitter bite of fleshy walnuts. These can be eaten alone as a snack or added to everything from salads to desserts.
They also contain vitamin B17, E and minerals like magnesium, iron, zinc and are a good source of monounsaturated fats.

Red wine

Red wine can be very good for the heart because they contain a powerful antioxidant called resveratrol (when drunk in moderation). which can also help prevent cancer.  It protects the lining of blood vessels in your heart as well as preventing blood clots. But be aware that too much of it can have the opposite effect as it contains alcohol.  If you do not want to drink alcohol, simply eating purple or red grapes will be effective.

If you are concerned you may be at risk for heart health issues, you should speak to a Cardiologist. Now you have a key to healthy heart why not eat these regularly and help your heart stay healthy. If you are new to our blog and like our Information please subscribe us and follow us and you will be notified everytime when we post something new.


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