8 Amazing Health Benefits of Beets


8 Amazing Health Benefits of Beets

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is a root vegetable that belong to the Chenopodiaceae family, and is also known as red beet, table beet, garden beet, or just beet. Beetroots have become a popular food in many places being used as culinary. 

Beetroot get's its vibrant red from its pigment called betalain, that is mostly used as a food colourant. Moreover there are numerous types of beetroot, many of which are distinguished by their color — yellow, white, pink, or dark purple.

Certain unique pigment and antioxidants like vitamin C, carotenoids, phenolic acids, and flavonoids, along with nitrate, have been found to offer protection against coronary artery disease and stroke, lower cholesterol levels within the body, and have anti-aging effects.

Beetroot are one of the most perfect vegetables that we can enjoy in both raw and cooked form. Their leaves, known as beet greens can also be eaten. Today, beetroots are used in various dishes from homemade Baked Beet Greens Chips, Ginger Stir-Fry with Beet Greens, or added to your favorite smoothie or salad.

This article lists 8 health benefits of beets, all supported by science.

1. Many Nutrients in Few Calories

Beets are naturally packed with some amazing nutrients including folate, manganese, and copper. Beets are also amazingly low in calories, yet high in valuable vitamins and minerals

Here's the nutritional value for 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of cooked beetroot: [1]

  • Calories: 44
  • Protein: 1.7 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin C: 6% of the RDI
  • Folate: 20% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 3% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 6% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 9% of the RDI
  • Phosphorous: 4% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 16% of the RDI
  • Iron: 4% of the RDI

Additionally beets are also rich in certain plant compound like Betanin, Inorganic nitrate and vulgaxanthin, that are known to have cancer-fighting, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

2. Beets May Help Fight Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is linked to end number of disease including obesity, heart disease, liver disease, cancer  and many other. [2]

Beets are just perfect to fight inflammation, they contain pigments called betalains, which is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. [3] [4] [5]

One study of individuals with osteoarthritis found that taking betalain capsules twice - daily had reduced pain and discomfort associated with the condition. [6]

Consuming this vegetable will help reduce pain and discomfort linked to inflammation. You can also boost the anti-inflammatory potential of beets by preparing beet juices.

3. Help Keep Blood Pressure in Check

High blood pressure is one of the leading risk factors for the development of heart disease, including heart attacks, heart failure and stroke. However beets may actually lower your blood pressure.

A handful of studies have shown that consuming beets can significantly lower blood pressure by up to 4–10 mmHg over a period of only a few hours. [7] [8] [9] [10]

Additionally some study have also shown that drinking beetroot juice can aid in lowering blood pressure levels. [11]

Moreover beet are also packed with nitrates (the body converts to nitric oxide) a molecule that dilates blood vessels, causing blood pressure to drop. [12] [13] [14]

4. Beets May Help Improve Brain Health

Beetroot has an astounding effect on brain function, particularly in older members of the population.  Beets are a great source of folate, also known as B-9 that played an important role in improving brain health.

Additionally, studies have found that, nitrates in beets may improve mental and cognitive function by promoting the dilation of blood vessels and thus increasing blood flow to the brain. [15]

Another 2010 study in 14 older men and women (average age of 74) found that participants who ate a high-nitrate diet, including beet juice, for two days enjoyed more blood flow to the frontal lobe of their brain (a region known to be involved with executive functioning skills like focus, organization, and attention to detail). [16]

5. Can Improve Athletic Performance

Beets have significant amounts of carbohydrates to provide fuel for energy and sports activities, in fact beets mainly consist of water (87%),  carbs (8%), and fiber (2–3%).

Several studies have found that, nitrates in beets may help improve the efficiency of mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy in your cells. [17]

Various other studies have found that beets may also improve cycling and athletic performance and increase oxygen use by up to 20% . [18] [19] [20] [21]

6. Beets May Improve Digestive Health

Dietary fiber are not only important for healthy diet but are also linked to a reduced risk of various diseases. [22]
Beets are great source of fiber, in fact one cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber, making them an excellent source of dietary fiber. [1]

The dietary fibre help promote digestive health, keep you regular and prevent digestive conditions like constipation, inflammatory bowel disease and diverticulitis. [23] [24]

Additionally fiber may also help in reducing the risk of a number of chronic health conditions.

7. Beets have anti-aging properties too

Beets are really great, as they can make you young again, thanks to vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant substance that can defend the eye against free radicals, while reducing macular degeneration.

The pigment antioxidants present in this root vegetables can lower your cholesterol levels within the body and have anti ageing effects.

Additionally beets are also packed with certain minerals like selenium, zinc, and copper that are beneficial to maintain skin radiance. simply applying its juice will certainly benefits to attain a natural glow.

8. Other Health Benefits Of Beets

Here are additional 9 impressive health benefits of beets

  • Beets May Help You Lose Weight
  • May Have Some Anti-Cancer Properties
  • Beets May Help Boost Your Immunity
  • They Are Good for Your Eyes
  • Beets Are Good for Your Liver
  • They Are Good for Your Heart
  • Beets Improve Sexual Health
  • May Help Fight Acne
  • Beets help your body detox

How To Add Them In Diet

Beetroot are not only nutritious, but they are also incredibly delicious and more importantly they're easy to incorporate into your diet. Beetroots can be bought precooked and canned for convenience, or you can make them fresh by roasting, steaming, pickling and ofcourse pulsing them to juice.

You can slice them to salad, puree them for dip, pulses them for juice, add them in your pasta or mix them for smoothie. Here's a simple recipe you can try right now.

Beets and apple smoothie. (Calories: 112kcal)

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Beets

  • ½ apple 
  • 1 small beetroot, pre-cooked
  • ½ lime (juiced)
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 10 mint, fresh
  • 1¼ cups water

Throw all fresh ingredients in a blender and pulse them until you have a desirable texture, pour in your favourite bowl, top them with your favourite garnish, and you are ready to enjoy!

Cheers! 🥂

The Bottom Line

Beets are really great, not only they are low in calories  but also are packed with nutrients, including fiber, folate and vitamin C. Not to mention they have all these amazing benefits of health.

More importantly they are delicious and versatile, meaning you can add them with other healthy food to  enhance your diet and health.

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