6 Surprising Benefits of Honey On Your Health

6 Surprising Benefits of Honey On Your Health

What's thick, gooey and golden in colour, and is loaded with nutrients? Yes you are right, it's honey. This delicious sweet delicacy has been used by humans, as sweetner as well as for medicinal purposes.

In ayurveda honey is considered as one of the finest medicinal ingredient that can benefit your overall health, from glowing skin to boosting your immune system, honey can help you with all.

Did you know? In ancient time honey was also used for making candles. (Ahh! I smell something sweet).

Honey can help restore elasticity of skin and make it glow while retaining the moisture content in skin. Thanks to humectant (a compound that helps in retaining moisture and is present in honey). It may also protects your skin from UV rays and skin damage.

Beside humectant, honey is also choked with vitamins including B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3. What's more is they are also loaded with minerals like of copper, iodine, and zinc. Researchers also belive that honey may also help in healing of wounds.

However you should also know that processed honey is loaded with sugar and may not have any benifit on your health, on other hand raw honey might do the work for you as it doesn't go under any process and hence maintain all the benificial quality in it.

Here are the top 6 Surprising Benefits of Honey On Your Health.

Nutritional Value Of Honey

6 Surprising Benefits of Honey On Your Health

Nutrient content of our honey for 1 tablespoon (21 grams) of 100% pure bee honey.

  • Calories: 64
  • 0 gram of fats
  • 0mg of sodium
  • 17 gram of carbohydrates
  • 0 gram of fiber
  • 17 gram of sugar
  • 0 gram of protein

Benefits of Honey On Your Health

1. Honey Promotes Wound Healing

In ayurveda, honey is know for its antiseptic properties to treat your wound and even help in stopping the growth of micro-organisms on any open wounds.

A study published in the Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice journal found that infectant who used honey on diabetic foot ulcers has significantly increased there chances of recovery by 43.4%.

A similar study conducted on 172 patient with diabetic foot ulcers, found that patient who received a thick layer of honey on their wound, had significant Increased the signs of healing within 7-35 days. [1]

Further honey also contain certain antioxidants that suppresses the activity of free radicals and promotes the synthesis of collagen, both beneficial for wound healing. 

2. Honey May Ease Coughs

Do you remember this old thought, that honey can soothe a cough. Its not just an old belief. Honey May actually do the magic on your cough.

In a clinical trials on 300 children, it was found that honey had reduced the frequency, severity, and annoyance of cough, alongwith improving sleep quality for the children and their parents. [2]

Researchers believe that honey can helps in reducing the amount of mucus that is produced in the chest and is believed to be as effective as regular cough syrups.

Next time you are a victim of this tickly cough, just have a spoonful of honey to calm your throat.

3. The Antioxidants Present In Honey May Have Beneficial Effects on Heart Health

Honey could be your heart’s saving grace. Thanks to the antioxidant that are present in honey. These antioxidant help in preventing arteries from narrowing.  If these arteries are narrowed it could lead to cardiac failure, memory deterioration, or headaches. 

Further the polyphenols that are present in honey May help prevent the formation of blood clotting and even increase the blood flow to heart. Resulting in lowering the chances of strokes and other heart diseases. [3]

 You may add them in your breakfast to replace jam, as these make a tasty option on top of bread. Or simply add them in your bowl of cereal or glass of milk as they are also natural sweetner.

Also read: food that may improve your heart health

4. Honey Can Help You Manage Your Body Weight

If you are one of them who actually want to melt away some weight, honey might be a best option for you. In fact, many nutritionist recommend to drink warm water by my mixing a spoonful of  honey to lose weight.

Honey is one of those superfood that has a low glycemic index, that may help in controlling weight gain and fat accumulation.  Moreover it can also help fight obesity and lipid metabolism, by lowering the blood glucose levels. [4]

You can add them as source of sugar, from your coffee to freshly brewed tea. The sugar contain in honey is also believed to improve your metabolism that aids in weight loss.

Also read: 6 Best Weight Loss Diet In 2020

5. Honey Is Super Effective For Your Skin And Hairs

Just like turmeric, honey is another ingredient that is present in most of the natural beauty products. Honey have various antioxidants and antibacterial properties that promote your skin health and may even calm and soothe irritated skin.

According to a study published in the European Journal  of Medical Research  honey can be used to treat dandruff and dermatitis. [5]

According to a clinical review, honey can help in smoothneing the hairs while regulating the PH level, [6]

You can use honey in your face pack, or add honey in milk and apply on your skin. Or simply try natural skin care products where you can find them in your moisturizers, shampoos, hair conditioners and  even face wash. 

Also read: how to treat oily skin

6. Honey Is Rich in Antioxidants

Raw honey is chocked with  powerful antioxidants, that helps to fight against any cell damage in body. Particularly raw honey contain phenolic compounds like flavonoids, that are found in flowers. [7]

These antioxidant not only improve heart health, but also help lowering the blood pressure. Honey is also believed to reduce some cancer risks and promote eye health. However more research is required on this topic.

A study conducted on 25 healthy men found that, buckwheat honey increases the antioxidant value of their blood as compared to clover honey. [8]

Also read: Food Rich In Antioxidants.

A Word from healthyngreat. 

There's no doubt that honey is healthy, but to obtain all the health benefits pesturise honey might not be the best option. Pesturise honey is also known as processed honey, the sugar contain is increased to give thick consistency. We recommend going for raw honey as these are pure and natural that are unprocessed, so you might find all the antioxidant and nutrients in it. I hope these “6 Benefits of Honey On Your Health" will motivate you to add more of this gooey ingredient. If you are new to our blog and prefer our statistics please subscribe us and follow us and you will be notified everytime when we post some thing new.

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