8 Proven Health Benefits of Eating Walnuts


8 Proven Health Benefits of Eating Walnuts

Did you know that eating just a handful of walnuts a day can vastly improve your health in a number of different ways? Walnuts are nutritious kernels obtained from the tree belonging to the  Juglandaceae  family, in the genus, Juglans.

Evidence also say that walnut tree dates back to 700 B.C. In fact during the early Roman times walnuts were also considered gods’ foods, and were named after the planet Jupiter – thus the scientific name ‘Juglans regia’.

Although they are high in calories, they’re a great way to add more nutrients to your diet. In fact consuming a handful of walnuts daily can provide your body with a plethora of essential minerals and vitamins especially manganese, thiamine, and folate.

Walnuts also have an acceptable amount of sodium, and are cholesterol free. What's more it that they also contain polyunsaturated fats instead of monounsaturated fats (basically the type of fat is healthier than in other nuts).

Moreover they are also consider as ‘brain food’, perhaps because the surface structure of the walnut has a crinkly appearance like that of the brain. Due to this reason, they have been considered as a symbol of intelligence, leading to the belief that they actually increase one’s intellect.

Here are 8 science-based health benefits of eating walnuts.

Walnut Nutrition Facts

Here's the nutritional value  for one ounce (28g) or about seven whole English walnuts or 14 halves.

  • Calories: 183
  • 18 gram of fats
  • 0.6mg of sodium
  • 3.8 gram of carbohydrates
  • 1.9 gram of fiber
  •  0.7 gram of sugar
  • 4.3 gram of protein

Health Benefits Of Walnuts.

1. Rich in Nutrients

One of the best benefits of eating walnuts is the number of important vitamins and mineral that it provides.

In fact 1 ounce, or about 7 walnuts can provide you with all these essential nutrients.
Up to 3% of your daily recommended amount of calcium
Up to 10% of your daily iron
Up to 5% of your daily potassium
Up to 14% of your daily magnesium
7% of your daily folate

Additionally these nutrients may help improve your metabolism and also improve your gut health.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants plays an important role in fighting oxidative damage in your body and walnuts are great source of antioxidants. In fact walnuts have higher antioxidant activity than any other nuts. Isn't it's an amazing benefit of eating walnuts. [1] [2]

Speaking of antioxidants, walnuts provide a significant amount of vitamin E  and plant compounds called polyphenols, which are particularly high in the papery skin of walnuts. [3]

A small preliminary study conducted on healthy adults found that consuming  a walnut-rich meal can help prevent oxidative damage of “bad” LDL cholesterol after eating. [4]

3. May Reduce Risk Of Some Cancer

Another amazing benifit of eating walnuts are, they can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Various observational studies on animal and human, suggest that eating walnuts might help reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, including prostate, breast and colorectal cancers. [5] [6] [7]

Additionally walnuts are also packed with polyphenol ellagitannins. Which get converted into urolithins, through certain gut microbes.

Studies suggest that urolithins have hormone-like properties that enable them to block hormone receptors in your body. Which may reduce the risk of developing hormone-related cancers, specifically breast and prostate cancers.  [8]

4. May Help Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is linked to end number of disease including heart diseases and stroke. Don't worry here's another benefit of eating walnuts, that it might help lower your blood pressure.

Numerous studies suggest that adding walnuts in your daily meal may help lower blood pressure, considering the people's with  high blood pressure and in healthy people when under stress. However not all studies have shown similar results. [9] [10] [11]

Additionally walnuts can also offer good cholesterol to the body and lower the bad cholesterol or LDL levels. This result in unclogging the arterial walls and widening the passage. 

5. Supports Good Brain Function

These brain like nuts are great for boosting your memory function. Walnuts are laden with a concentrated DHA, one type of Omega-fatty acid.

According to a 2014 study conducted by “Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease“ on mice, found that walnuts are potentially a healthy brain food. [12]

Additionally some observational studies in older adults have linked eating walnuts to better brain function, including faster processing speed, more mental flexibility and better memory. [13]

However more studies are required to prove that improving memory can be a benefit of eating walnut.

6. Supports Healthy Aging

Using Walnut for a moisturized skin is a well-known secret in the beauty world. It's for a good reason as they are rich in Vitamin E, A in it along with anti-oxidants that help the skin fight against the damages created by free radicals.

According to an observational study participated by 50,000 older women, found that participants with the healthiest diets had lowered the risk of physical impairment by 13%. The good news is that walnuts were among the foods that made the strongest contribution to a healthy diet. [14]

Additionally they are also rich in -complex vitamins such as folate, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B-6. Now do you believe in benefits of eating walnuts.

Also Read: 9 Food for glowing skin

7. Supports Male Reproductive Health

Did you know that consuming processed foods, full of sugar and refined grains can reduce sperm function. According to a study, western diet have been linked to reduced sperm function. [15]

Another study published in The medical journal “Biology of Reproduction” where 117 healthy young men were given 2.5 ounces (75 grams) of walnuts daily had significantly improved sperm quality, including vitality, motility, and morphology. [16]

Walnut may also increase swimming capability of the sperm along with a considerable increase in their size and shape. If your guy is concerned about fertility make sure you tell him this amazing benefit of eating walnuts.

8. Additional Health Benefits Of Eating Walnuts.

Walnuts are great for Improving your overall health. Here are another 10 amazing benefits of eating walnuts.

How to add them:

Simply add them in salad, finely ground in dips and sauces, crush them to use as a coating on fish or chicken, use them in your next pasta dish, or simply pulse them into smoothie. Here's amazing smoothie you can try right now.

Banana and Walnut Smoothie

8 Proven Health Benefits of Eating Walnuts

  • 1 1/2 cups ice
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk 
  • 1/2 cup coconut water 
  • 3 tablespoons walnut pieces 
  • 2 dried dates, pitted and coarsely chopped 
  • 1/2 medium banana, peeled 

Simply throw all the ingredients in the blender and pulse it untill it has smooth consistency. Garnish it with some crushed walnuts or a slice of banana, and you are done.


The Bottom Line

Walnuts are an exceptionally nutritious nut. They are not only high in antioxidant but also have more healthy omega-3 fats than any other common nut.

Now you know these amazing benefits of eating walnuts, why not have them now simply sprinkle some walnuts on leafy green or fruit salads or serve atop  oatmeal or yogurt

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