8 Outstanding Benefits Of Raisins (Kismis Grapes) on Your Health.

8 Outstanding Benefits Of Raisins (Kismis Grapes) on Your Health.

This topic brought me back to my childhood. I remember filling my pocket with this delicious fruit to munch on for later. This particular dry fruit is one of the most familiar, popular, and commonly eaten dried fruits. These are widely used all over the globe as snack or for additional flavor when cooking, baking and brewing.

Raisins are actually grapes that have been dried in the sun or in a food dehydrator to remove all moisture containt from it. That allows the nutrients in them to get concentrated. 

This tiny bite site dry fruit are naturally chocked with essential nutrients like protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals (Iron, Manganese, calcium, potassium, copper, zinc, fluoride, and magnesium), and so on...

Raisins are also great for your health, they may help in treating anemia, preventing cancer, boosting energy level, treating skin diseases, regulating body pH level, combating hair loss, relieving fever, support eye health, supporting dental health, and curing insomnia. Next time when someone asks you “ are raisins good for health? ” just answer them!

Not many people know that raisins (kishmish) are high-energy food supplement for campers, mountaineers, and backpackers. Thanks to all those nutrients that make it a nutrient bomb!

Read on to find 8 outstanding benefits of raisins on your health.

Raisin Nutrition Facts

Here is the nutritional value for  1/2 ounce (14g) of dark, seedless raisins.

  • Calories: 42
  • 0 gram fats
  • 3.6mg of sodium
  • 11 gram of carbohydrates
  • 0.6 gram of fiber
  • 9.1 gram of sugar
  • 0.5 gram of protein

Health Benefits of Raisins:

1. Help Prevent Cancer

It always scares me when I hear the word cancer, as this disease is ranking on top that causes death. However raisins may help in preventing cancerous cells that causes this on first place.

Numerous research shows that some compounds found in natural foods have the ability to kill cells that cause cancer and prevent them from multiplying.

Raisins are a packed with antioxidants. Specially a certain type of polyphenolic antioxidants called catechin that may help in combating with free radicals thereby stopping the destruction of organ systems and cells.

Including raisins in your diet is a great way to prevent many forms of cancers.

Click here to know all the amazing sources of antioxidants to add in your body.

2. Relief From Constipation

Constipation can be an extremely unpleasant condition to have and trust me it's  something you would not like to have.

Despite the size of raisins (kishmish) they are great source of fiber. In fact one-half cup of raisins will give you 3.3 grams, or roughly 10 to 24 percent of your daily needs. However the percent may vary depending on your age and gender.

The dietary fibers  present in raisins acts as a natural laxative that improves bowel movement and ensures smooth elimination of stool from our system. Moreover raisins are also great source of flavonoid compounds like tartaric acid, tannins and catechins that aid in smooth bowel movement.

Click here to read how to improve your digestive system and promote healthy digestion.

3. Improve Bone Health

We all know calcium found in dairy products like milk are really essential for strong bones, but did you know that raisins are also a great source of calcium. One cup of raisins meet 8% of your daily recommended intake of calcium.

Moreover they are also great source of a micronutrient, boron (a nutrient that  enhances bone formation and aids in the faster absorption of calcium). Incorporating raisins in your daily diet will also promote to healthy bone density and will eventually prevent osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a condition in which our bones become weak and are prone to damage and fractures and is mainly caused by the deficiency of calcium in our system. If you don't like the taste of milk you might consider having a handful of raisins to improve your bone health.

4. Protects Against Anaemia

A Deficiency in iron and vitamins B may affect your blood pressure ability to transport oxygen to your cells and tissues, leading to anemia while causing other  symptoms like fatigue, breathing difficulty, drowsiness and hairloss. 

However raisins may help fight iron deficiency. Raisins are great source of both complex-B vitamins and iron, which are the main constituents in helping to protect against anaemia. 

Moreover they are also great source of copper that promotes the formation of red blood cells. If you are having them regularly raisins may help cure iron deficiency anemia and promotes blood clotting during wound healing.

5. Diabetes treatment

Diabetes has become a common disease that is increasing day by day. This is due to our sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating, another major cause is your sugar intake. However raisins may be beneficial for diabetes patients.

Raisins help to reduce postprandial insulin response. In simple terms raisins may help in stabilizing spikes or plunges on insulin level after meal that is proved to be harmful for diabetic patients. 

Moreover raisins help in regulating the release of ghrelin and leptin (types of hormones) which are responsible for informing the body when it is full or hungry. However a regular checking of blood sugar level is really important.

Click Here: to find how to lower your blood sugar level.

6. Helps Manage Weight

If you are looking to shed some kilos look no more as raisins may also help in weight loss. Raisins are fibrous (fibre) snacks that promote feeling of satiety or a feeling of fullness via regulation of leptin and ghrelin hormones associated with hunger.

However if you are looking to gain some weight raisins may work again. Like many other dry fruit raisins are also high in fructose, glucose, and natural sugars, which makes it a best option for weight gain.

If you are looking to loose weight try to find a perfect diet plan that might work for you. In case you are looking to gain weight try adding more protein and carbs.

Also read: 6 Delicious smoothie recipes for weight loss and recipes for weight gain.

7. Aids In Dental Care

Raisins can also help you keep your teeth strong and healthy. Only if it is consumed regular and moderate basis that can be very beneficial for keeping good care of our teeth.

recent studies have indicated that acids and sugars from fruits and fruit juices may indeed soften tooth enamel, cavity formation is not driven by acidity alone, but by bacterial activity as well. 

Moreover the calcium present in the raisins may help im strengthening our teeth and prevents demineralization of tooth enamel, while boron presents in the raisins may help in growth of oral germs and thus promotes strong teeth.

8. Other Benifits Of Raisins

Raisins are chocked with nutrients that makes it a healthy choice to add however the Benifits of raining are not limited only to 6 point. Here are 10 health benefits of raisins (kishmish).

A Word From Healthyngreat

Like many other superfood raisins are also great source to improve your overall health. If you are looking to change your diet pattern and eat healthy, I would definitely suggest you to go for Raisins.

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  1. Personally I dont like raisins that much but now after knowing its pros i would surely like to have them in my weekly diet.. Thank you for sharing.


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