Ghee: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Ghee Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Ghee is a natural food that has been used in India kitchen for more that 5000 years and is used till today. Ghee is a type of clarified butter that is  made from cow’s milk and is also considered super food as per Ayurveda.

Even modern science now verifies what Ayurvedic health science has said for thousands of years about the health benefits of Ghee. According to ayurveda ghee is considered to promote longevity and protects the body from various diseases. In terms of ayurveda ghee can help increase the digestive fire (agni) that also improves absorption and assimilation.

Moreover ghee is also great for reducing inflammation in the joints, protecting your gastrointestinal system, balancing your  cholesterol levels, eliminating certain allergy concerns, providing additional energy, strengthening your immune system, and they also protect you from various chronic disease.

The benefits of incorporating it in our day today diet are innumerable. We will discover some amazing health benefits of ghee, but before that let us understand what is ghee and how it is made.

What is ghee?

Ghee or clarified butter is sometimes that is used as an alternative to regular cooking oil. From Indian, Southeast Asian, to Middle Eastern cuisines ghee has made its way all around the world.

The word ghee has derived from Sanskrit word meaning “sprinkled”. Apart from culinary and medicinal purposes, ghee is also used during prayers and worship by Hindus.  Ghee is also use to light lamps (diyas) which is believed to purify the air around it.

Moreover ghee is also a great source of Vitamin A, E, K, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Moreover buffalo ghee is rich in magnesium and phosphorus. Ghee are also known to help purify the body, promote longevity, and maintain digestive health.

Ghee has a rather unique and nutty taste and aroma that is different from butter, but it can be used in almost all of the same ways. Moreover ghee can last for months, or even years, without refrigeration, which made it very popular throughout history, before modern times and refrigeration.

How is it made?

Ghee is made from churned butter from milk, which is further clarified to give that golden colour and nutty aroma. There are two methods that you can use to make fresh ghee.

1. The Traditional method of ghee preparation- while following traditional methods, milk is first fermented to curd which is further churned to seperate the fat that floats on the top. Again the fat is churned to yield butter which is then clarified to make ghee.

2. Commercial method or direct cream method-  this method is simpler that traditional method where milk is boiled and then cooled to separate the layer of fat. This fat is churned to butter and then clarified to yeild ghee.

Ghee Nutrition Facts

Here are the nutrition facts for one tablespoon (15g) of ghee.
  • Calories: 130
  • 15 gram of fat
  • 0mg of sodium
  • 0 gram of carbohydrates
  • 0 gram of fiber
  • 0 gram of sugar
  • 0 gram of protein

Health Benefits Of Ghee

1. Ghee Is Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation has been linked to many chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and allergies. However ghee may work great for reducing inflammation in body. Ghee is a great source of Butyrate an essential short-chain fatty acid that helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

Several studies have concluded that Butyric acid may actually decrease inflammation in parts of the body, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract, and is now a recommended dietary addition for some people with ulcerative colitis.
Moreover ghee enemas have long been used in traditional medicine for treating inflammation of all kinds. [1]

2. Boosts Immune System

A healthy immune system ensures that you are healthy and Improve your overall health and ghee works like magic in boosting your immunity. Once again thanks to the Butyric acid.

The most important element in ghee, butyric acid has also shown to stimulate the production of T-cells that are heavy-hitting cells of immune system. In simple words these  are one of the essential immune cells that help in fighting-off of the foreign particles the enter the body. [2]

Moreover ghee also contain a fair amount of Vitamin A that plays an vital role in hormone balance, liver health, fertility and stamina. 

Also Read: 8 food for healthy immune system.

3. Ghee Aids in Weight Loss

One of the major cause of heart diseases is being overweight, however ghee can help to melt your body fat.

Ghee is packed with essential  amino acids that help mobilise the fat and allowing the fat cells to shrink in size. Ghee is also rich in omega 3 fats and omega 6 which is believed to increase lean body mass while reducing fat mass.

Ghee may also helps achieve optimal weight management effortlessly by lowering the insulin resistance, preventing the onset of diabetes in adults. We recommend replacing the long chain fatty acid rich oils with ghee to shed some kilos.

Also Read: 6 best weight-loss diet in 2020.

4. Condensed source of energy

Are you feeling low and tired, Don't worry ghee may help you provide energy. One tablespoon of ghee provides 112Kcal of energy. 

Ghee contain high number of medium chain fatty acids, which is believed to provide a ton of energy because they are absorbed directly into the liver, than they are burned to Provide energy

There are wide range of fats that compose ghee include medium-chain fatty acids, which are very useful for the body and can be processed by the liver and burnt as energy, not passing into adipose tissue or contributing to weight management.

Other Health Benefits Of Ghee

This nutty flavoured fat is linked to numbers of health benefits, so just adding one tablespoon of ghee in your plate might do the magic for you.

Here are 12 more possible health benefits of ghee.

Potential adverse effects

Ghee Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

There's no doubt that ghee is purely made out of butter, so keeping a quantity check on ghee is really important. However if you are suffering from from obesity, kidney problems, heart diseases or stomach issues, you should completely avoid ghee or any other fats.

It's for a simple reason, eating ghee daily can cause weight to increase even more and will cause more health problems if you are affected with any of the above health condition.

A tbsp. of ghee will show positive health effects. You just have to make sure that you don't exceed this quantity and then you are good to go.

A Word From Healthyngreat.

Ghee has made its place in culinary as well as medical history. As we have discussed above how great can ghee be on your health, its time for you to apply this knowledge and add this amazing fat in your diet.

However you should also consider that ghee is made purely of fat, so excessive consumption of ghee can dramatically change your fat intake and can act as a negative dietary choice, the simple step to overcome this is simply add ghee in moderation.

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