Tomatoes: Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits And Recipe

Tomatoes: Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits And Recipe

A fruit also known as Solanum lycopersicum, that is often treated as a vegetable and used is almost every dishes in India. Yes you are right it's tomato. Whether you call them a fruit or a vegetable, tomatoes are a  powerhouse of essential nutrients.

Tomatoes are not only delicious and versatile but they are also chocked with antioxidants and the major one is the chemical lycopene (a type of carotenoids) and numerous vitamins. In fact One serving of red, ripe, raw tomatoes (one cup or 150 grams) containts Vitamins A, C, K, folate and potassium.

That's not all, they are naturally low in sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories. Moreover they are also loaded with essential minerals like thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus and copper, all of which are necessary for good health.  And yes! they’re fat-free.

Moreover they can help to improve digestion, reduce cholesterol levels,  protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation. An interesting fact about tomatoes are they can also come in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, green, and purple.

This article tells you everything you need to know about tomatoes.

Nutrient Fact Of Tomatoes.

Here's the nutritional value for 1 small (2 2/5" in diameter) whole tomato (91g).

  • Calories: 16
  • 0.2 gram of fats
  • 5mg of sodium
  • 3.5 gram of carbohydrates
  • 1.1 gram of fiber
  • 2.4 gram of sugar
  • 0.8 gram of protein

1. Improve Heart health

Heart diseases are world’s most common cause of death, there's no doubt that heart diseases are ranking on top of list. But the good news is tomatoes may help you prevent heart diseases.

Tomatoes are chocked with lycopene (a type of antioxidant) which is a main ingredient for healthy heart. In fact researches suggest that a high intake of lycopene upto a 30% can reduce the chances of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.

Several studies have shown that a high Cholesterol level is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease. Moreover tomatoes are also great for lowering cholesterol level. There are number of increasing evidence from clinical trials that  suggest that lycopene can help in lowering LDL (bad cholesterol). [1]

Also Read: 7 Amazing sources of antioxidants.

2. Beneficial For Skin Health

Did you know that tomatoes make your skin look great!

Again thanks to lycopene, which can help to elevate skin health.  Moreover the biotin and vitamin c present in tomatoes may help in production of Collagen (the connective tissue in our skin that helps with firmness) will help in repairing skin and scar regression.

The topical application of tomato juice is known to cure severe sunburns. Moreover they also help in treating and preventing acne by regulating the production of sebum.

In fact a study have shown that people who ingested 1.3 ounces (40 grams) of tomato paste  (providing 16 mg of lycopene) with olive oil every day for 10 weeks experienced 40% fewer sunburns. [2]

Also Read: 6 Tips to get rid of oily skin.

3. Cancer prevention

After heart diseases one of the leading causes of death are due to cancer and again tomato win in preventing cancer. In fact tomatoes are a natural cancer fighter.

According to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health’s Department of Nutrition. It was found that when younger men consumed beta-carotene-rich diets they were protected from prostate cancer. [3]

Another observational studies have noted links between tomatoes — and tomato products — and fewer incidences of prostate, lung, and stomach cancers. [4]

Moreover they can reduce the risk of several other cancers, including prostate, cervical, mouth, pharynx, throat, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectal, prostate and ovarian cancer. 

4. Improve immunity

A strong immune system ensures you are healthy. Tomatoes may even help you in that. 

Tomatoes are a great source of vitamin C and provide maximum of your daily requirement in just one cup. More over they are also rich in antioxidants like Lycopene, Lutein, Alpha-carotene and Beta-carotene that help in boosting your immune system.

Another great things about tomatoes are they are also great in flushing out these harmful toxin depositions from the body and strengthens our bones by maintaining a healthy rate of calcium in our body.

Also Read: 8 Food for strong immune system.

5. Supports Bone Health

Tomatoes are great for your bone health as they are great source of both vitamin K and calcium that works great for strengthening and repairing bones.

Tomatoes are also great source of two essential minerals, magnesium and potassium. Magnesium functions as a cofactor for calcitonin, which is a hormone that redirects calcium from the blood into bones. On other hand potassium help in preventing metabolic acidosis of bones, which prevents calcium loss as you age.

Moreover lycopene (red pigment), found in tomatoes, as well as carrots and watermelons, is said to greatly improve bone mass and serves as an excellent natural way to fight osteoporosis.

6. Other Health Benefits Of Tomatoe

Tomatoes are also great for treating:

How To Add Them:

Tomatoes are versatile, that means they can be used in numbers of food items including salads, soups, dips (like guacamole), sauces, and casseroles. Or you can enjoy them raw or cooked.

You may consider sautéing, grilling, or roasting them. Moreover there are end number of dishes that can be made using tomatoes like,  Tomato curry, Portuguese tomato rice,  Tomato mushroom penne pasta  or Tomato omelette.

Here's a recipe for tomato smoothie with basil punch:

Tomatoes: Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits And Recipe


  • 1 cup plain low-fat yogurt or greek yoghurt
  • 2 large ripe plum tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped
  • ½ teaspoon dried basil, crumbled
  • ¼ teaspoon salt


In a blender add yogurt, tomatoes, basil, and salt  and pulse them until you have that smooth texture. When you are done add some ice cube and garnish it with basil. Now you have a healthy smoothie to enjoy. 

This savoury smoothie is a surefire bone-builder, thanks to yoghurt that is great source of calcium and protein. And if you are using greek yoghurt you are getting twice the amount of protein. Which is essential for bones and muscles.

A Word From Healthyngreat

Tomatoes or Tomato juice both are packed  antioxidants and other essential nutrients that may help fight several diseases. However if you are using packed juice make sure you read label, as they are high in sugar that may do more bad than good.

Moreover you can learn to make tomato juice at home, this will give you an advantage to controlling flavour and nutritional value. If you are new to our blog and prefer our statistics please subscribe us and follow us and you will be notified everytime when we post something new.

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