12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

It’s 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon. You are already feeling sleepy. You still have three more hours of work, but your energy is zapped. How can you power through the rest of the day?  Ofcourse you would want to have your coffee, but is it healthy?

Lack of energy could affect your daily activities and make you less productive, but energy drinks are a no-go when it comes to getting an afternoon jolt. Coffee, energy drinks, and caffeine pills may be the popular choices for a quick burst of energy, but they might not be a healthy option to go for. 

Beside these unhealthy energy drink there are more natural ways to get it. Strategic snacking can return you to that alert and energized state of mind. Fruit and vegetables are best for instant energy then coffee, as they are especially rich in health-promoting vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and more.

Food can be a great option as it contains calories, which are essentially units of energy that our bodies then utilise, much like a fuel, in the performance of all bodily functions.  Moreover it also raise your metabolism and battles fatigue.

Here’s a list of 12 foods that have been proven to help promote energy levels.

1. Brown rice
12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

Brown rice has tons of nutritional value as compared to white rice. Brown rice is full of essential form of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Brown rice can provide a good amount of calories combined with high fiber, protein, and carbs. 

Moreover brown rice can also help regulate blood sugar levels and promote steady energy levels throughout the day as it has a low glycemic index. They are also high in magnesium that promotes healthy metabolism.


2. Bananas

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

Bananas are great source of protein that keeps your muscles healthy and active. They’re also an excellent source of complex carbs, potassium, and vitamin B6, all of which can help boost your energy levels.

Additionally potassium in bananas might help improve heart health. Simply pack a banana in your lunch and save it for when you’re feeling drained later in the day or you can also make it fancier by topping it with peanut butter or almond butter.

3. Sweet potatoes

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

No doubt that potatoes are best and sweet potatoes might be a great option to charge you. Sweet potato are chocked with fibre and complex carbohydrates along with iron, magnesium, and vitamin C, which provides long term energy.  

A single cup (100-gram) serving of sweet potatoes could pack up to 25 grams of complex carbs, 3.1 grams of fiber, 25% of the RDI for manganese, and a whopping 564% of the RDI for vitamin.

You can add them in curries and oven bakes with other veggies or simply add them in bowl of brown rice to boost the nutritional value. 

4. Eggs

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

Eggs are considered as a staple food for body builders as they are great source of protein and a energy powerhouse, that provides tons of energy for workout.

Additionally eggs are great source of leucine (type of amino acid) that help cells take in more blood sugar, stimulate the production of energy in the cells, and increase the breakdown of fat to produce energy. [1]

You can simply have them boiled or make  them omelet, these are great with every food from sandwich to bowl of rice.

5. Water

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

A simple drink, but packs in so many nutrients. Water is not only great source to hydrate your cells but can also help boost your energy. On other hand not drinking enough water may lead to dehydration, which can slow bodily functions, leaving you feeling sluggish and tired. [2]

According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that water can kick start your metabolism, which helps you keep energy levels up. [3]

You may consider adding few drops of lemon to improve nutritional value.

Also Read: Benefits of drinking lemon water.

6. Oatmeal

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

Oats are great way to start a day, and is one of the best sources of slow-releasing energy from low GI complex carbohydrates. They are also rich in  B vitamins, iron, and manganese. [4]

Additionally oats also contains beta glucan (a soluble fiber that forms a thick gel when combined with water). Beta glucan is known to delays stomach emptying and the absorption of glucose into the blood.  [5] [6]

Simply add a half cup of berries or a teaspoon of honey for some additional sugar to get a perfect bowl of oatmeal, or you can pulse them into smoothie.

7. Avocados

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

Avocados are a perfect example of superfood. Avocado is packed with fiber and healthy fats, both of which are digested slower than simple carbohydrates, and  provide tons of sustainable energy,

Moreover the fiber in avocados accounts for 80% of their carb content, which can help maintain steady energy levels for longer period of time. [7]

Top your salad with slices of avocados, pulse them into smoothie, bake them into toast or simply enjoy the goodness of avocado in guacamole.

8. Nuts

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

Nuts are great ready to go snacks. They are full of heart healthy fiber and minerals. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews are famous for their high calorie density and ofcourse for their protein and healthy fat.

Nuts are packed with other vitamins and minerals, like manganese, potassium,  iron, B vitamins, and vitamin E. These can help increase energy production and decrease tiredness. [8]


9. Oranges

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

Oranges are known for being packed with vitamin C, they also contain lots of potassium and folate that are great for heart health. Oranges are also rich in antioxidants that have shown to decrease fatigue. [9]

Additionally various studies have shown that participants who consumed 17 ounces (500 mL) of orange juice experienced decreases in muscle fatigue and improvements in physical performance. [10]

Also Read: Health benefits of citrus fruits.

10. Green Tea

12 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

A freshly brewed hot cup of tea is known for its health benefits. Great tea contain caffeine that keeps to active. It also  contains a compound called thymine that helps you stay alert and fresh, [11]

Various studies have shown that green tea can decrease fatigue by increasing the breakdown of fat and release of the hormone norepinephrine and hence can be a good energy booster for physical activity, [12] [13]

11. Dark chocolate

Foods and drinks fuel the body. Energy-boosting examples include bananas, avocados, apples, and coffee.

It's time to treat yourself with the goodness of dark chocolate as they may help increase your energy level. Dark chocolate are packed with antioxidants that could help reduce mental fatigue and improve mood. [14]

Studies have confirmed that the stimulatory compounds, such as theobromine and caffeine present in dark chocolate may enhance mental energy and mood. [15]

12. Additional Food Source Of Energy

Here's the list st on another top 10 food that might help boost your energy level.

The Bottom Line

A whole variety of food can help boost your energy. Food rich in carbs and fiber are known for slower release of energy, these foods can help increase your power and stamina.

More importantly some of these food are packed with vitamins and minerals that help improve your health. Next time you need a little pick-me-up, skip the caffeine and energy drinks and try one of the following energy-boosting foods instead.

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